
Showing posts from August, 2024

Dealing with the degeneration of my knees

Well to put it mildly i was pissed when i found out i wan.t do sport any more (i.m 49)... that i.m supposed to be ok with not dancing.or running or playing football any more. But the reality is the meniscus in my left knee is shot and if i wanna push that knee replacement down the road i have to act now.  It was early April and i had been busy, my knee had been niggling, so i had done what i always did, ignored it. By the Friday i was immobile but still insisted on  walking to a medical supply shop to buy crutches. When i got home, i collapsed. My knee was done. It was 3 times it.s normal size and those emergency painkillers couldn.t touch it. It had become septic. Usually i would say my doctor here in Germany is fantastic. But his junior was rude and lazy. Writing it off as a PsA flare up, without even examining it and treated it predictably with mtx, no vit D, no folic acid, no dosage guideline and the madatory course of cortisone. He basically suggested i should find another

Living with psoriasis and PsA had psoriasis since i was 13. It got really bad during my teen, especially on my scalp. As i got older it was my nails, knees, ankles elbows and fingers too..By 30 i was diagnosed with PsA, but i didn.t take meds for another 10 years.  One day i got up, well tried to at least, and the pain in my feet, knee, back, wrists and hands was like fire buining in what felt like broken bones. I had to literally jump up and down in the most horrifying pain to loosen up the joints enough to make it around the corner to my doctor.  I eventually ended up going to a private rheumatologist, who put me on cortisone and MTX.  Thus began the double-edged sword balancing act of too little too much, side-effects vs benefits. I haven.t slept more than 5 hours a night for at least 10 years as i can.t lie down for longer and i can.t have my feet covered as the blacket creates an unbearable pain resonance that become too much. It has never been balanced and i have rejected it all more than once. The corti